Clinical Competence and Transition Experiences of Novice Nurses

Dr. Jules Alexis B. Dajay

TBEAH . 2024 April; 5(1): 5-9. Published online 2024 April

Abstract :
A novice nurse is one with limited work experience who may never have faced real-life problematic situations and their transition process is associated with feelings of confusion, uncertainty, and stress. The study aims to determine novice nurses' clinical competence and transition experiences. This study utilized both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. In this study, thirty (30) new nurses in General Santos Doctors Hospital, General Santos City, Philippines, were purposively sampled who answered the modified “Clinical Competency Questionnaire” and six (6) were randomly selected who participated in the focused-group discussion. The study's results revealed that novice nurses were satisfactorily competent in delivering safe and quality care, communication, collaboration and teamwork, ethical-legal-moral responsibilities, and management of resources and environment. There were five themes emerged after the focused group discussion that described the transition experiences of novice nurses: (1) Difficult and Challenging, (2) Striving and Thriving, (3) Acceptance and Adjustment, (4) Tolerance and Receptiveness, and (5) Fulfilling and Rewarding. The study findings concluded that novice nurses possessed satisfactory competence, signifying low confidence in performing various nursing jobs. Their transition experiences also implied weakness in performing their roles and responsibilities. Therefore, it would be essential to create a transition-to-practice program to provide a support strategy for novice nurses to transition effectively and a leader-preceptor transition would be needed for nurse leaders and managers to provide the necessary skills to precept new nurses and be physically and psychologically prepared and equipped for the role.

Keyword : Clinical Competence, Leader-Preceptor Transitioning, Novice Nurse, Transition Experiences, Transition to Practice Program.

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